I 'Googled' the name of the house we are building with Porter Davis and found all these blogs of people in very similar circumstances to us. I thought 'what a great idea! What a fantastic way to keep a record of our progress.' So here is my attempt. We are a family of 6 building a just-right sized house west of Melbourne. Feel free to travel along with us.

About Me

I'm a woman with many interests but very few skills. I'm committed to trying to make the world a better place and one that we can share peacefully. I want people to be respectful thinkers. I have a husband but I don't think that defines me. I also have kids who I love dearly and am so proud of. We have a dog.

Tuesday, 14 April 2009

Garage roof........ho hum....

Well, our SS has been on leave for two weeks, and really not much has been happening on site. Just like J, we received our hefty 'fix stage' invoice extremely prematurely! But once again, after a couple of polite phone calls, PD admitted their error and confirmed that our house is indeed not at 'fix stage' and they are in no position to claim a payment. A bit of interest saved there, thank goodness!

We've had the guys come back to finish bricking up the garage and fitting the roof to the garage and alfresco. The house is almost looking like it should be, but I'm just not that excited about it at the moment. I'm sorry, but I just want more!!! The Easter weekend has dragged by sooooo slowly.... Thankfully, SS should be back at work tomorrow and things might get moving again.

On another note, we had an offer on our house today, but on the condition that we can hand it over on July 3.. Hmmm, our 'official' date is August 26.....could we possible make it to a July 3 deadline??? The offer was a bit shy of an acceptable figure, so if they come back with a reasonable one I suppose we'll sell and hope for the best. Worst case - put our stuff in storage for a little while and move in with Mum (Lol...6 of us and a dog lobbing into her little place...should be very cosy.)

Anyway, here are a few pics of the house with a couple of extra roofs. Hopefully I will have much more to report next time..


R&C's Brookvale 45 Home said...

I am amazed, your site scape was 3 months after ours and your at fit out (theoretically). That's amazing, send some traddies our way. The place looks really good and the fittings look great. Like the cabinet colour you have chosen.


BelleBeau said...

I am sooo with you wondering about the deadline! We have accepted an offer with settlement on 9 July subject to finance etc etc. We're going to camp on my father in law's loungeroom floor - 1 hour away from school!! if we do not get hand over in time. Not looking forward to it. However, we did get our price. Never know, the finance could fall through and we're back again LOL.

Amazing that things seem to have gone into major slow down mode ATM. Perhaps it's the shorter winter days?? Or it maybe just that the things happening now are fiddly little things that seem to take forever.

Hope that things start happening on both our houses !!!!! Soon!!!!

